Monday, July 1, 2013

FOOD - have you eaten right for your blood type? (intro)


How are you?
Firstly, I wanna say hello, if you're visiting for the first time :)
Just a brief introduction from me. My name is Sheilla Khonada, and I'm officially a medical student at Universitas Tarumanagara now (just graduated from good ol' Dian Harapan Senior High). Gonna start the new life in a month \o/ From my field of study, you can tell that I'm a big fan of medicine and health studies. Yes, I am. And I'm pretty concerned about them. That's why I choose this topic to share here on this page, and cos it's very beneficial too.

So, y'all,

     speaking of health.

I wanna share a bit bout my . . . health. I've been really sick, I don't know how. I'm the type of person who tries to mind what I eat, and what I drink, and what I do everyday to keep myself healthy. But still, I got sick anyway, cos I'm really lame in controlling my appetite sometimes hahaha :p I've been suffering from diarrhea for the last 3 days. I either vomit or poop excessively everyday, and I really can't eat. Needless to say, that's quite some pain :( but I did lose some weight, so i guess that's not so entirely bad? (heehee) 

So it's been a long holiday? And I hope you guys are keeping fit, cos from where we are looking, sickness are just around the corner. I wanna share a bit about general health on this post. And mainly, it's about food. I'm reaaaally sure this info will be very beneficial for you, as it did for me. After I've known myself better, I can decide which food to add and omit to/from my dietary choice, and I am happy to say that my health's been improving so greatly ever since :) i hope this article will change your way of thinking about food, that a kind of food which is healthy for me may not be the same to you, etc, etc, what am i saying, blahblah, keep on reading guys :] 

Took me quite some time to compose this post guys. Hope it'll be useful for you! :)

Well, please make yourself comfortable,   and enjoy the good reading :D

So, before everything else,


I'm pretty sure you guys know your blood types already?
This is the pre-requisite thing you have to know before we start the discussion. If you haven't known yours yet, or you happen to forget, I suggest you recheck, so the information you're about to receive will be really useful for you :)

In general, there are four blood types (without considering their plus or minus rhesuses). A, B, AB, O. From what I know, Asians usually (genetically) have + rhesus. Ex: my blood type is B+ .

What differentiate each blood type from their "peers" are their characteristics. Some blood type has more viscosity than the others. Say, the B blood type is famous for its "thickness". So the B type has the potential to develop blood clots more easily than O type, which is less thick. That's why the B type should care more about not eating too much fatty food, since they can easily lead to many diseases such as blood clots disease, coronary heart attack, and other unwanted cases. The amount of proteins and other contributing factors in the types also vary. This is why different food acts differently to each blood type.


This case is pretty well known and widespread, I guess. We people develop allergy (or allergies) some way or another, and at least every person has one. Maybe you're allergic to dust. Maybe you sneeze a lot when exposed to sunshine. Maybe you can't stand summer breeze or winter breeze cos you get all clogs in the nose (people with summer hays understand?). Maybe you're allergic to some food. Seafood, let's say. Or peanut butter. Or some types of ingredients. Anything that causes you discomfort in the respiratory system, or makes red spots in your skin, maybe an allergy to you.

Though allergy may sometimes be just some over-reaction from our body, you should understand that you having one kind of allergy means your body REJECTS that one type of "pollutant". Whatever your allergy is, you SHOULD NOT ignore them, or downsize them, because ignoring your allergies is the same as allowing your body to take poison.

Sounds serious?
Sadly, it is :(


So. After we agree that every blood type has its own characters, and every blood type has a particular allergy, it is only safe to conclude that EVERY BLOOD TYPE HAS ITS OWN FOOD TYPE. 

(Believe me, this is easier said than done.)

So we're gonna discuss some food which are beneficial, and also "forbidden" for each blood type. Soon. This is already near dawn when I'm posting this, and I could use some good rest to recover :')

I'm going to post the blood types and their food types separately in different posts, just so you'll be fully comfortable reading it :DGonna do it today. Stay tuned y'all, and have a good day!


food references: Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo

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Call me Sheilla. I am a 3rd year medical student at Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Medicine, music, and language are my muse. Hopefully you find my posts interesting, and useful too.


Sheilla Khonada


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