Sunday, January 25, 2015

Text Book Recommendations for Biomedic 3


It's been quite a long time since the last time I wrote. I am now a 4th semester medical student in Tarumanagara Unversity, Jakarta, Indonesia. Today I am sharing about the books required for Biomedic 3, the 4th block in Tarumanagara Medical Faculty (each semester consists of 3 blocks, meaning the 4th block is the beginning of the 2nd semester). This is especially made for my juniors, the batch 2014. Hopefully this will be useful for you.

So if I'm not mistaken, Biomedic 3 consists of several major topics (let me know if I missed any):
1) Pharmacology
2) Parasitology
3) Anatomical Pathology
4) Microbiology

This was one of the most plentiful blocks (plentiful in materials; and allocated study time). I hope this post may help you prepare yourselves better, because last year at these times I was also hunting for books, and boy ain't it hard to find these books.

BM 3 is the block in which I bought the most books: I got myself 6 books. Well, you don't have to buy all of them because not all of them are that useful. Here are some down the list:


Name: Farmakologi dan Terapi FK UI Edisi 5
Author: Departemen Farmakologi dan Terapeutik FK UI
Publisher: Badan Penerbit FK UI

This is the book for Pharmacology study, not just in Biomedic 3, but throughout all the academic years. It is pretty thick in pages but it does not weight as heavy as it looks. The good thing about this book is it also explains the basic knowledge of pharmacology, not just about the medicines. It consists of many types of medications, such as antiallergen, antibiotics, antiviral, antihypertension, etc. It also provides some characteristic of the medicines. This has been proven fool-proof and very much useful.

Price: around Rp 70.000,00
Where I got it: the small shops aside Tarumanagara (in the campus-side alley)

Name: MIMS Petunjuk Konsultasi
Author: -
Publisher: BIP Gramedia

This is actually not a textbook, it is a medicine database. The doctor in charge of the block might want you to grab this (we did too, every one of us bought this book, but many of us bought the non-original ones since it is always changing every year. I got the non-original one too). It will be used as a medicine database for you to learn to make prescriptions. The non-original book isn't as good as the counterpart, obviously, but considering that this book is so quickly changed, I personally prefer to grab the non-original one for this block.

original: around Rp 150.000,00
non-original: around Rp 40.000,00
(well you decide which one to get)
Where I got it: since I got the non-ori, I got it in the campus-side alley. The ori is provided in Gramedia.


Name: Buku Ajar Parasitologi Kedokteran Edisi 4
Author: Departemen Parasitologi FK UI
Publisher: Badan Penerbit FK UI

This is the book for Parasitology study. From what we've been through, so many species on this book is actually included in the medical study materials, so please do give some investment and grab this book. It gives quite enough information about species origins, habitats, life cycles, hosts, infective stadiums, treatments, and eradication of parasites.

Price: around Rp 40.000,00
Where I got it: campus-side alley (but also provided in Kusuma. I recommend you get the original one, because the pages of the non-ori ones could fall apart - mine did)


Firstly, I got two books for this topic. The reason is simple: I don't know which one is more useful! Many seniors said Robbins is the good one, but the rest agreed that Buku Ajar Patologi Umum Sagung Seto is the more frequently used. Confused, I got them both, in the hope that they both will be proven useful in the future (don't follow my example).

Name: Robbins Basic Pathology
Author: Kumar, Abbas, Aster (I have no idea they are the same person or 3)
Publisher: Elsevier

So this is the first book that I got for anatomical pathology. If asked to choose this or the second one, I'll choose this one. Well, it is honestly more useful than the other pathology books I've read, because it is simple, and nicely written, and consists of many helpful graphs and pictures that I frequently put into my ppt slides. This is also useful in the following blocks. On the other hand, considering from the price, you might think again, since this is not a compulsory book, but if you really want to get a good book about anatomical pathology and basic pathology, this could do (another alternative that I've heard of is Harrison's Book of Pathology)

Price: around Rp 550.000,00
Where I got it: Kusuma bookstore

Name: Buku Ajar Patologi I (Umum) --> the one we use is the left one
Authors: -
Publisher: Sagung Seto

These are the second (set of) books I got for anatomical pathology. I don't understand why so many of my seniors recommended to get this book (I find no useful value of this book other than providing definitions and additions to my ppt slides). Well, it is quite useful in making slides, but that's it. I always ask a minimum of 8 seniors every start of block, asking about books, I still don't understand why so many of them recommend this (I don't like this book). But if you can find a good use of it, just like the other seniors do, then this book might be right for you.

around Rp 45.000,00 (the first book)
around Rp 170.000,00 (both books)
Where I got it: Sagung Seto shop @ Trisakti Medical Faculty, Campus B (just aside Sumber Waras hospital)


I don't think this topic requires any book (I bought none). Just make sure you pay full attention every time laboratorium sessions come, and make sure to take notes and ask the lecturers when you don't understand the materials. Take pictures of the microscopic slides whenever allowed! That will save you.

So that is all. This is just my personal tips, and what is suitable for me may not be suitable for you, vice versa. So I recommend that you also ask the other seniors already going through BM 3, they could have better books and better tips. Goodluck in undergoing your 2nd semester, and God bless!

(all pictures are my courtesy; they are my own books)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the recommendation, Ci Sheilla! so helpful. GBU :)



Call me Sheilla. I am a 3rd year medical student at Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Medicine, music, and language are my muse. Hopefully you find my posts interesting, and useful too.


Sheilla Khonada


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