Wednesday, May 20, 2015


I start to figure out
there is this art to life -
that is;
you're always constantly broken
and mended again.
Every single time a lil bit stronger,
a lil bit wiser than before.

What we're afraid of,
maybe, all this time, is to fail
and have people know that you do.
But failing is humane
It is neither an unforgivable shame
nor a permanent disgrace -
as long as we learn
and adjust to evade equally severe burn.

We need those fire sometimes:
the ones that burn you but don't kill you.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
teaches you wiser
and hopefully, molds you softer.

Feel blessed to fall into a fire.
Because fire tests
and fire purifies.
And dear, there's no shame at all
in making it out of a fire alive.

-sheilla kho


Call me Sheilla. I am a 3rd year medical student at Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Medicine, music, and language are my muse. Hopefully you find my posts interesting, and useful too.


Sheilla Khonada


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