Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dear Jesus

Dear Jesus,
You are a good shepperd.
Well I am no lamb, but You still are,
because a lamb is weak, and that's what I am,
I'm a wimp.
But you are kind, and you are always patient with me.
More than patient, actually.

Dear Jesus,
You're always the first person I turn into.
It's sad that I can only speak to You in prayers, sometimes prayers drive me crazy,
even statuses like these drive me crazy,
like who talks into air.
I know I do look like I'm talking into air.
It's weird making announcements like these,
cos I wanna tell You how good You are,
but You sit there nice and pretty,
like "Thanks, I know I am" hahaha.
Everyone else ought to know that You are, too.

Dear Jesus,
You know I hug people that I love.
It sucks to know that You can't give me a good hug right now, cos I'm in a mess,
well I know I can't hug a God.
But it's really good to know and feel myself
that You are a very good Father.

Dear Jesus,
Your omnipresence scares me sometimes.
You're always there.
Like santa, when I'm good or bad.
But You never get upset at my frustrations.
You do know my limits.
Srsly, You know it too well,
and that's a good, and bad thing hahaha,
You like to push me into the very edges of it so I'll grow.
Thanks for it, though.

Dear Jesus,
You are reaaaaaally patient.
You never get mad whenever I speak to You.
Like, whenever.
I mean, w.h.e.n.e.v.e.r.
I'm such a horrible daughter.
I wake at midnights literally yelling at You.
I turn at afternoons to have a talk with You.
Every frickin time of the day.
You listen to my prayers and I do feel it,
even when sometimes I swear, I cuss, I pour my emotions out at You.
I'm grateful You don't duct tape me straight away.
You listen to me anyway.
And really You do answer prayers.
I've learnt Your style by now,
You don't do instant stuff.
You want process.
So I'm learning to undergo all process You give me.

Dear Jesus,
You ain't needing no beauty sleep.
Whenever I wake at midnight,
I call to You,
and You're always there.
Dayum Jesus.
I bet You're strong af, and patient too watching me sleeping.

Dear Jesus,
What would I do without You.
People may call me crazy
for loving a spectre,
for having an absolute faith in a non-palpable, non-touchable being.
But people also do not undergo what I went through with You,
You've saved me too many times,
secured my ground too often,
You're too real for me to say that You are nonexistent.
You are there.
They just do not know the essence of being with You, yet.

Dear Jesus,
These years walking with You,
You're like fire.
You're really warm,
sometimes You burn the hell outta me.
But more often than not,
You really purify me.
You make me sincere.
Thanks for helping me in that.

Dear Jesus,
You're a humorist one.
Whenever I say "Thanks for Your help, but I think I can do it without You"
I can almost hear it in my ears
"Okay, goodluck to you."
And fck, I screw everytime.
I feel ashamed that I am stupid enough to completely trust myself.
I can't even drive straight and pretty.
Why would I trust myself to decide anything when My Creator is waiting for me to trust Him instead.

Dear Jesus,
You are my bestfriend.
You are the only one I trust,
and the only one I never mind bothering.
Thankyou for never changing,
and thank you for being there for me,
in my past,
in my present,
and for standing in my future already.

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Call me Sheilla. I am a 3rd year medical student at Tarumanagara University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Medicine, music, and language are my muse. Hopefully you find my posts interesting, and useful too.


Sheilla Khonada


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